This episode’s a classic! Emily tells bad jokes, Dara laughs anyway, Laura Wilburn of Urban Bike Project tells us about growing up biking in DE and then getting involved in a nonprofit and committing to a car-free lifestyle, and Nutmeg is appalled when she finds out she shares a birthday with the Delaware Museum of Natural History’s Dude the Museum Cat.
Dela Darling Podcast
Unpaid Intern Nutmeg is back in the studio welcoming Mike Mekailek, who has degrees in chemistry, art history, music (general!), and voice & opera. He works in patron relations for the Delaware Symphony Orchestra, plays organ, sings baritone, and is allergic to grapes, so we share some beer with him.
This episode the Darlings get the scoop from newly minted Delaware Enthusiast Susan Sauter, who wrote a letter to Wilmington’s mayor imploring him to explain why she would love it here. Spoiler: She’s only been here 10 months, but is already so ingrained in the food and art scenes that restaurant owners know her by name and she’s in more clubs than us.