We’ll TRI Anything

The Darlings are giving a news update on the mysterious music heard on the Delaware River, Nutmeg’s new job promotion, and a Delawarean gracing our TV sets this winter.  Then they’re joined by Kristin Lepley, a podcast enthusiast, triathlete, and group fitness instructor.

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Ringing Out 2018

We’re ringing out 2018 by recapping all of the amazing guests we had on and what it was like to launch and produce the #1 podcast about Delaware during our first year!

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Pitch the Pod with Movies of DE

This one is six months in the making, folks!  The Darlings are pitching their ideas for “Hallmark Movies Set in Delaware, But Probably Still Filmed in Canada” to Hallmark Movie Expert Kim Guillen.  She helps us workshop and flush out our ideas featuring the beaches, Winterthur, the Monster Mile, and even Punkin’ Chunkin’.

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